Rails Rumble 2010: GitWrite

Posted 23 October 2010 under , ,

Last weekend, I participated in the Rails Rumble for the third year in a row with fellow Vigeteers Matt Henry, Chris Jones, and Clinton Nixon. Our app, GitWrite, is billed as “blogging for nerds, done right.” It’s a pretty neat concept — sign up with your GitHub account and give us your public key, and we create blog backed by a repository that you can push to in order to make updates.

Unlike past Rumbles, where I’ve spent the weekend heads down in TextMate, I wrote very little code this time around, instead handling the team’s design duties. I really enjoyed working a different part of my brain, though it was frustrating that all the keyboard shortcuts I used to rely on are long gone from my memory. To my surprise, the design has received high marks from a bunch of the judges, which is flattering to say the least.

GitWrite did really well in the expert judging phase, receiving a perfect score from one of our judges. It entered open judging in third place, though it’s since fallen to around fifteenth. We were targeting a certain type of user with this app, and the comments reflect this: for every “this is nerdy and awesome,” there’s a “stupid” (no really, that’s the full text of one comment).

I’m not sure what the future of GitWrite is — the concept seems to have legs, but we’ll need to go back and reengineer a few things if we want to build a lasting product. In any event, I had a great time working with the guys and I’m super proud of what we were able to accomplish. If nothing else, it’s always nice to get written up in TechCrunch.

About Me

I’m the Development Director at Viget in Durham, North Carolina. I’m also an avid reader, traveler, cyclist, musician, coffee fiend, and friend of birds.